Dorin Tudoran m-a banat pentru un comentariu în care i-am atras atenția că Marin Preda este teleormanez (Încă un 'telectual deranjat de criticile aduse Securității ceaușiste. Dorinele, dracu' te-a pus să-ți curgă din gură. Până la tine n-am mai întâlnit 'telectuali analfabeți funcțional :) (Propagandiștii semuiști mă întreabă adesea de ce critic Securitatea și dacă sunt fiu de general securist. Pe bune, acum, sunt chiar atât de proști? :).
Recomandare pentru economistul Florin Cîtu - Warren Mosler (logică elementară)
Recomandare pentru economistul Lucian Isar - Scott Sumner(e varză)
Libertarianul Bogdan Glăvan este bugetofag. Libertarianul John Galt (comentacul) este bugetofag. Libertarianul Cristian Păun este bugetar.
Think tank-ul care alimentează tonetarii grobieni, de dreapta, cu raționamente din prepuțul gândirii neanderthaliene, e alcătuit din asistați social.
Ai 2 vaci sterpe și un tractor ruginit? Numele tău e John Galt, țiitorul planetei. "Survenția" la hectar și asistența socială de care te bucuri atât timp cât faci umbră pământului degeaba nu sunt decât distorsiuni ale... nuvelei.
Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game.
At The Money: How to Buy Alternatives
At the Money: Lessons in Allocating to Alternative Asset Classes. (January,
15, 2025) Hedge funds, venture capital, private equity, and private credit
Debt Rattle January 15 2025
Marcel Duchamp The chess game 1910 • America Is Winning – Biden (RT) •
Biden Trying To Spoil Everything Before Trump Arrives – Lavrov (RT) •
Ukraine No...
Destroying the World Economy ASAP
The two positions in life that require ZERO experience are (1) politician
and (2) becoming a parent. We often hear blaming foreign buyers in real
estate fo...
Weaponizing the US Dollar
Trump has promoted a number of plans to make America strong – at other
countries’ expense. Given his “we win; you lose” motto, some of his plans
would pr...
“Hydrants out of water!”
This is funny the Art Degree morons all think fire hydrants contain a fixed
amount of water (rather than control pressure) i.e. “the hydrants ran out
Sentiment Extremes
[This blog post is a brief excerpt from a recent commentary at] We get the impression that some major
sentiment extremes are c...
How to Escape the Federal Debt Trap
The U.S. national debt just passed $36 trillion, only four months after it
passed $35 trillion and up $2 trillion for the year. Third quarter data is
not y...
Bonds And Money
The US bond market is getting hammered lately as investors and traders
realize that (a) the economy is not collapsing and (b) the Fed will keep
rates hig...
Understanding the Modern Monetary System – Updated!
It’s been over 10 years since I published Understanding the Modern Monetary
System, one of the most widely read papers in the SSRN research database. I
More Inflation Ahead
January retail sales spiked by 3 percent, driven by inflation, as many
consumers bought less but paid more.
January industrial production was unchanged fol...
Updated blog posts
Please visit for new posts! Thank you!
The post Updated blog posts appeared first on Mosler Economics / Modern
Monetary Th...
Jobless claims have best pandemic week yet
Jobless claims have best pandemic week yet This week’s new jobless claims
decreased close to their pandemic lows, while the unadjusted and 4-week
The Elevator Ride Down. To Humility.
*Note to archaeologists: Yes the end of the Roman Circus was as insane as
it sounds. It's all you need to know that today's Evangelicals actually
believed ...
Mind the Gap? Rethinking the Investor Gap Equation
Morningstar released the latest version of Mind the Gap, an annual piece
which shares with its readers analysis that "measures the costs of bad
Why isn’t the US seeking global disarmament?
Suppose China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and every other country in the
world went to the United Nations and offered to substantially and
verifiably disar...
Gisellian demurrage currency
Dr. Keen, I am wondering if you have ever seriously considered issuance of
Gisellian currency for countries facing unplayable debt (all of them, as
far as ...
The Fed Will Blink
This post The Fed Will Blink appeared first on Daily Reckoning.
Bill Bonner reveals that central banking was once an honest profession and
much more. Rea...
A Special Obscenity
Picasso painted Guernica eighty years ago this spring. It still stands as a
searing protest against the brutality of war and fascism.
The Market Ticker - The Pattern of The Market
*Looks awfully similar to 2008.*
*Rotation back and forth, with most of the gains coming in a handful of big
names with big stories -- but no earnings to...
Recent Posts
I have recently been writing blog posts for the Patriotic Millionaires, a
group committed to addressing in equality in our economy and political
process. M...
The move is complete
The migration to Squarespace 7 was more effortless than I had anticipated.
I should have realised that SQP knew what they were doing. I am not out of
Kyle Bass On China
Hayman Capital's Kyle Bass discusses China at Sohn San Francisco:
It's really very simple
[Note: I am pushing this article live two days early because ZeroHedge
somehow managed to get a hold of it and post it before I did. Needless to
say, I do...
H.-W. Sinn: Berlin muss evakuiert werden!
Der Deutschen Lieblings-Ökonomie-Prophet Hans-Werner Sinn hat heute in der
FAZ einen erstaunlichen Gastbeitrag „Europäische Bankenunion: Der
Whom The Gods Would Destroy
The Times They Are A Changin, as the old song goes. Neither in jest nor in
total earnest was a truer word ever said in terms of the 2 year old Euro
Debt Cr...
Did We See the Plunge Protection Team Last Night?
Last night was a strange trading session. The Asian markets followed the US
down. The Nikkei was off 4.5%, Kospi down 8%, and the ASX 200 was down 5%.