9/11 :) Elements of Deflation, Part 2 (info@FrontlineThoughts.com)
Gross domestic product is a function not just of the money supply but how fast the money supply moves through the economy. Stated as an equation, it is Y=MV, where Y is the nominal gross domestic product (not inflation-adjusted here), M is the money supply, and V is the velocity of money. You can solve for V by dividing Y by M.
Now let's dig a little deeper. Y, or nominal GDP, can actually written as Y=PQ, that is, GDP is the Price paid times the total Quantity of goods sold. Therefore, since Y=MV, the equation can be written as MV=PQ. But the point is that Price (P) is tied to the velocity (V) of money. You can increase the supply of money, and if velocity drops you can still see a drop in the "P," or inflation.
Astăzi, după cutremurul catastrofal din 13 Septembrie, ora 9:00, prezis la secundă de băiatul cu ... sex appeal pentru linguriţe, ne aflăm aici:Notice that the velocity of money fell during the Great Depression. And from 1953 to 1980 the velocity of money was almost exactly the average for the last 100 years. Lacy Hunt, in a conversation that helped me immensely in writing this letter, explained that the velocity of money is mean reverting over long periods of time. That means one would expect the velocity of money to fall over time back to the mean or average. Some would make the argument that we should use the mean from more modern times since World War II, but even then mean reversion would mean a slowing of the velocity of money (V), and mean reversion implies that V would go below (overcorrect) the mean. However you look at it, the clear implication is that V is going to drop.
... mai exact în punctul 2 (ciclul c).:)
Şi, în general, aici:
Soluţii? Hei... NU SUNT MESIA!!!
2 comentarii:
La noi Guvernul a tras-o pe aia sociala inaintea aleia economice ca se descurca Boc cu amandoua odata. Pe aia geopolitica il lasa pe Basescu.
Neavând economie, e clar că distrugerea speculei duce direct la convulsii... sociale.:)
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