Australian economy sees sharpest contraction since 1991
Update (31 Mai 2011):
sursa"THE lies being told about the property market drive us crazy. So it's time for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Residential property values are falling right across the country and those falls will pick up as the year goes on.
It is frustrating to see all the "For Sale" signs, hear anecdotes of friends and relatives having to slash prices to get a buyer but then read real estate agent or media reports cherry-picking the increasingly rare "good news" sales...
La 3 ani de la spargerea întârziată a celei de-a şasea cea mai bizară bulă... ever, a venit rândul Australiei:
As seen on
"No I don't believe we're in a bubble..... When talk to real estate agents they all say the same thing: stabilization of prices..."
Cretinopatul corporatist, Andrew Hawking, generat din... MS DOS-ul financiarismului, şi responsabila pe ramură de subprime, Lisa Montgomery, merită întreaga noastră atenţie. Ambii capodoperi vor intra în topul mondial al... măgarilor.
Se confirmă reţeta bulei imobiliare: blat de socialism financiarist (“First Home Owners Scheme”, Prima Casă...) presărat cu lipsa de cultură a cretinacilor preparaţi de agenţii de vânzări de bani sau... cloace.
P.S. Steve Keen's Debtwatch